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When music is bad

Person 1:*bad music comes on at party* damn this music sucks

Person 2: fr this song is straight biscuits

by Manicshitworm May 2, 2021


She's a biscuit. She's sweet funny beautiful

Jenny is my biscuit she's like my sister i love her

by 162213hey March 1, 2020


a person who is bland and boring; without personality

Mr Cooke is a total biscuit.

by pidpenishater November 29, 2024


Very very good tasting like.

Person 1: "Man, these Reese's Pieces are very biscuit."
Person 2: "Nigga the fuck?"

by Legbone1337 August 31, 2017


Blowed as pissed retard

Kyle is currently a biscuit

by IOU1233 December 2, 2018


The act of baking ones ejaculation liquids (semen) and turning them into a nice batch of biscuits. Using poo to dance in the summer time is considered an act of harassment. Jean used his pink penis to dance while naked, this was a technique for asserting dominance over his Niggeys. When his penis turned the colour of the sun he cried to the lord strip your holy robe off and show us your wang.

I ate a biscuit

by Jdhdjjrjrmommy February 22, 2019


the non-cuss word version of "bitch" that your toxic friend calls you when they are being mean to you

"I hate you, you biscuit!"
"stop being such a biscuit."

by October 30, 2020