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Blind porn

Porn for those who have lost their sight.

Person A: Man, porn is awesome!
Person B: I know, I miss those days.
Person A: What are you reading now?
Person B: Blind porn. It's in Braille.

by I_Uchi6/9 April 16, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chick Porn

Porn for girls, sexi guys kissing or simply sexi boys without their shirts on for the more softcore

"Sheila that is some sexy chick porn"

by AnDiENz November 5, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž

Porn lessions

A new type of education in which a school gives lessions on how to have sex like a porn star. It is often run by an exporn star/porn star{s} and/or a porn film company from which they sometimes recrut porn acters and actresses.
The lessions include in the act learning that is during sex.

Lets take some porn lessions.

by The Fury 13 October 23, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

porn consumer

one(he/she) who consumes alot of porn by putting it on an storage device or just by looking at it

Erik: hey did you hear about that girl in the school computer lab?

Sandro: You mean that lonley girl who get porn of the web everyday?

Erik: Yeah! she is such a porn consumer!

by Fluorescent523 September 12, 2006

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/E/EBO - WEEABO PORN IS basically anime, a person who enjoys anime is most likely to be refereed as a weeb

Normie - Linus you weeb, stop watching weeabo porn and keep looking for loot retard!
Linus (/WEEB/) - anime is for cool people like me your just gay ok!
Normies retarded friend - fuck out of here if you're gonna watch that shit piece of shit retard go back to drinking milk, while you're fucking your anime body pillow WEEB.

by THAT ONE WASIM April 28, 2018

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Couch Porn

The term used to define beer pong that is played while sitting in a chair.

Dan: Yo Tyler why are you doing couch porn
Tyler: Cuz I shoot better from this elevation

by N Word Gary Hands October 29, 2009

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Burger Porn

When burger companies advertise their burgers using scantily clad female models eating their products.

Steve: Hey did you see that Burger Porn?
AJ: Yeah dude, she was fine as hell, makes me want a burger.

by TheGreatOrange October 7, 2010

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