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Great Plains

The time it takes for the fourth (or fifth) week to take when you're on monthly salary!

Thank Fuck for PAY DAY! I had to cross the Great Plains this week!!!

by Insphire November 9, 2018


1- Sibling's step-great-granddaughter.
2- Stepsibling's great-granddaughter.

My step-great-grandniece is a good person.

by User655 July 26, 2021

The Great aWOKening

An constructed act of social engineering, designed to convince people that they have woken up by taking the red pill, when in fact, they have taken an extra large blue pill, and are now actively trying to keep everyone else asleep and plugged into the matrix.

You never had a thought in your head, until someone taught you to be WOKE. Now it's actually worse, you have adopted the narrative and everything you thing is the total opposite of the truth. It's the great aWOKening. You and your friends should pay each other on the back. 🤦

by Rikstir January 1, 2024


Half-first cousin’s grandson.

My half-great-cousin-nephew is a good person.

by Gtopql November 24, 2019


Great-grandparent's father.


by Zabombini October 5, 2024

The Great Wheory

A theory about the laws of comedy, mainly written with the letter W.

It is often seen as a genius text, as W often stands for "winner", showing his devotion to proving his theory is right.

Here is a line from The Great Wheory, in which you'll be able to notice the re-occurring presence of the letter W:

With or without knowledge, we always have wisdom in our minds, whenever we talk or whenever we will do anything, we often wind up a music box of wacky comedy, which ends up winning everyone's laugh. This is The Great Wheory.

by Aklho March 23, 2023

third great-cousin-aunt

Grandparent's female third cousin.

My third great-cousin-aunt is a good person.

by Gtopql November 24, 2019