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trash fire

a person who is a hot mess. a person you watch steady on a rapid decline and their life is disorganized, disarray, deteriorating, chaotic; but he/she stilll thinks they are fly and on his/her game.

Jake: "I wish that broad would stay away from me."
LB:" I know right. she's a trash fire."

by BCakez March 16, 2022

trash blunt

The art of hastily throwing your blunt in thr trash to hide from the cops, usually ending in failure.
A poorly rolled blunt.

Man did you get the trash blunt back?
Nah man she gone.
Yo dawg were you high when you rolled this, cause it is one hell of a trash blunt.

by geofff treman3ee January 21, 2014

Sub-Trailer Trash

When you're not even good enough to be trailer trash, but you still desperately try.

You probably live in a subway car, much the same way as trailer park trash lives in a trailer. Except, you have literally no class.

Bob is Cletus' sub-trailer trash neighbor. Rumor has it, he eats, sleeps, and cooks in his bathroom, which is a hole in the floor of the subway car he lives in. May or may not also be a methhead.

by President Evil 2045 June 3, 2019

White trash

A term developed by African slaves in the early nineteenth century to describe the poor, landless whites with whom they dwelt in the South. According to historian Eugene Genovese, author of Roll Jordan Roll: The World the Slaves Made, slaves developed the term as a way of looking down at poor whites, who lived in abject economic poverty, often in worse conditions than those inhabited by the slaves themselves. Although the poor whites were not considered property like the slaves, the slaves chose to view the so-called "white trash" as inferior to themselves, and members of a social echelon lower than the one they occupied themselves. (Genovese, 20-30; 58) This information does not necessarily change the the contemporary Urban Dictionary definition of the term, but it does change the term's origins and etemology. Rather than being a term made by the middle and upper class whites to define even the poor of their race as better than all non-whites, "white trash" was a term developed by poor non-whites, Afro-American slaves to contemptuously distance themselves from poor whites, whose social station they believed was even worse than their own.

Tom (a white male) : Look at those poor white people standing in line at the unemployment office, that should be proof enough that not all white people are wealthy.

John (a black male) : Indeed. They are what my great great grandmother would call White trash. I don't agree with the term myself; I'm just telling you what she would have said.

by The past is calling July 15, 2017

white trash

What people unfairly call me.

If you think that I am white trash then fuck you, fag!

by Biden is a dick May 1, 2021

2👍 2👎

White Trash

Usually a self concerned human with complete disregards anything that doesn't directly affecte themselves. Usually a defendant of or currently a truck driver. They often come with a mullet and or beard. If they aren't living in a trailer it's a house with 7 people people. They are the masters of manipulation and often end up on some sort of government assistant. Disability, food stamps, section 8 housing. This don't not make them white trash. The most determining factor of trash or not is personal character and thought process.

Did you see Amanda? She looks like straight white trash because she is always because everyone knows she was leading that guy on for something. In I Herd she barely bushes her teeth. Gross

by Should loved me, fckd that up January 17, 2020

White Trash

People who are scared to leave the false security of their hillbilly heaven,rancher.
People who own (upside down 10 years later) 5 acres in Prince George,yet act as if the entire county/Brandon/Brandon hunt club is theirs.
People who constantly use derogatory racial slurs to describe people they're scared of,and whom they'd never actual speak like that to.
Wife/children threateners.Threatener bc they typically have never actually been involved in an altercation, no matter how many times they say,"I caint go to jail,I have too much to loose"(refer to 5 acres and shithole rancher with shotty remodel work done)
People who use their own mother to loan them $30,000 to start their own home paiting business, but buy a Basstracker instead, and refuse to pay her back.
People who for years pawn their children on said mother,to only not speak to her for years afterwards.

White trash let's their kids go hungry while buying Oakley,Marlboros, Pepsi,and entry fees for mens slowpitch softball.
White trash takes their 16 year olds paychecks to "manage" their mo ey,which really means keep it for themselves.
White trash is working the disability system so the last children at home dont have to work
White trash is doing the above,yet talking shit about people on welfare

Wow,he can feed 20 hunting dogs but bot his own kids,what a piece of white trash.

by White trash daughter September 12, 2019