A fun world war II game, similar to that of Call of Duty 4. A game in which PrZ DismaY will shit on you in, number 1 gamebattles team. Even tough there are way too many 10 year olds who play this game its still fun to hear them cry afterwards.
PrZ DismaY will shit on you in Call of Duty: World at War
24๐ 113๐
Widely considered to be the ultimate response when backed into an argumentative corner, this phrase has revolutionised academic debate since its inception in the early 17th century.
John Stuart Mill: Immanuel, I believe we should define the rightness of actions by a consequentialist theory of ethics.
Kant: Are you calling my mum a liar?
JS Mill: What? No....
Kant: Well shut up then.
46๐ 12๐
The last chance for the Call of Duty to redeem itself after all the years of repetitions of the same game being released every year. It is also the last "hoo rah" for competitive CoD to make it in this changing world. If Treyarch fails, CoD only has months to live if not days because Halo 4 gets released at a similar date.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is the last chance for the CoD series to live. If it fails, we may see the end of CoD as we know it.
55๐ 16๐
This game is actually called "Cock of Doody: The Revenge of Osama"(which was edited do to alquada threatening IW). It features modders, noobs, 10 year old, and the occasional guy who is classified as "skillful" or "normal"(although these are rare)
It was within this game a very famous moderator, The Pro, was recorded banning Itz Lupo(some variation of that). This video was edited, long story shot, The Pro lost all moderator powers(and possibly killed himself,or moved out of his mothers house.)
Gamer 1 "Want to come play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2?"
Gamer 2 "Nope, sorry, I'm busy playing the Halo:Reach Beta, which is, sadly, better than that rubbish."
Gamer 1 " PLEASE! I'll let you noob tube.."
Noob (forms from a puddle of noob sauce)"Pick me"
78๐ 25๐
The ultimate comeback to any request, insult, or question. Completely and utterably unanswerable.
Delia Smith: Now we just need to drain the parsnips, and Gordon could you spread the Italian Pesto over those pheasant breasts?
Gordon Ramsay: Are you calling my mum a liar?
Delia Smith: Am I what? No, of course not...what do you mean?
Gordon Ramsay: Well F*ck off then.
24๐ 5๐
The next installment to the most overrated video game franchise in the world. The same graphics are still there. The same engine is still there. The same annoying 10-year olds, who start screaming at you for "hard scoping", are still there.
Person Number 1: OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Did you hear that Call of Duty Black Ops 2 is coming out!?!?!?!?!?
Person Number 2: I know right!!!!! My mom already pre-ordered it for me bitchezzzzzzzzzz
Person Number 1 & 2: HAHAHAHA!!!!!
Person Number 3: *facepalm*
135๐ 48๐
Another installment to the lack-luster Call of Duty series followed by a legion of mindless fan boys who claim it is the best game in existence despite each new installment bringing next to nothing new to gameplay.
The game is literally alive only because of its multiplayer fandom.
It features what is typically seen with any Call of Duty game.
-A Lackluster Campaign with an incredibly dull story seen in many video games before. The series is seen to some as a rip off of most of the Tom Clancy Adaptations.
-Online Multiplayer broken by a series of easily fixable mechanics ranging from an unbalanced sandbox to incredibly skill-less tactics such as "No Scoping" and "Drop Shotting."
Fanboy: "Dude, I just got Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and I'm going to jizz all over myself for nothing new and broken!"
Intelligent Gamer: "Ok, have fun with that. Oh, and leave my XBL party before you begin complaining and raging like you have with the last two games."
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