A way of sharing a joint. Filters are placed at both ends of a cigarette roller and weed is placed between them. After the joint is rolled, it is cut into half to make two mini joints called a "Covini"
Hey man I don't pass joints around anymore. I just use a covid cut to make two covinis to pass out to friends.
when you take a short-cut and it ends up being super cool.
When Ryan and i were on our way to the skate park earlier, we decided to go through the abandoned lot and it ended up bein' a cool-cut!
"They said copy the map, not cut the map! He cut the fucking map!"
Cut a pedos dick off if they mess with your loved one
(Also the world needs to change this world is basically infested by pedos)
Person 1 : Sis i just got harrased by a man :(
Person 2 : Its ok Ill cut his dick off its National cut a pedos dick off day!
When you have to make it on time but you’re almost late
I was almost late to the party but I made the cut
The Cut is a place that all of the boys report to. Most of the time The Cut is one of the school bathrooms. The Cut is a place of privacy for the boys to hit the puffs and get a quick buzz before returning to class.
“Attention please report to the cut at exactly 11:30 am”
Derived from the word cudi,
The Cuts are a low key and out of sight public place to use drugs, such as an infrequently traveled road or a forest.
The cuts are a staple part of high school culture for smoking weed.
Should we meet up at the cuts after school?