Source Code

wakanda forever

a quote used by virgins who think they is in the marvel universe. the virgins usually cross their arms and pretend they are black


carl "wakanda forever'

tyler "gey"

by richl8uis March 13, 2018

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Forever Contract

An infinitely long contract that is thought to be 99.9% filler. The contract can only be written by the all-powerful deity known as the Filler God.

Filler God: "If you want me to resurrect Jonny, you must sign my Forever Contract with your blood."
Jack: "Yes! Sure! Anything to revive Jonny!"

by emkay1 April 24, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Forever Alone

Forever alone is a meme that is similar to the rage guy that feature a drawing of a very unattractive "man" with tears running down his face and at the top is says "forever alone"

-"Hey check out this girl I've been talking to in Tumblr"
-"Really man your so alone you keep this up you'll be forever alone"
-"Fuck you man"

by tyranpro557 December 28, 2016

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ken forever

Using Ken masters's Kicking combo in Street Fighter Alpha 2

Guy1: I can't beat that guy at SFA2 because of kens combo.

by BIlshtein December 19, 2005

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Boyfriendz FOREVER

You know when your playing Call of duty, or other smash hit shooter, and your about to kill somebody from the opposing team... and out of the blue, BAM! some shit headed moron comes out of nowhere and kills yah like a giant snake! and gets the "Rescuer" award

Sam: HOLY SHIT! I WAS ABOUT TO GET ATTACK DOGS. when "gayfagnoobass231243's boyfriend, assfuckingcuntbreath2345 jumped down and knifed me!
Nick: Boyfriendz FOREVER, man.....

Sam (sarcastically): Man those guys are really cool.

by Shibblleeee January 15, 2011

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me and MY boo =)


hehee i love uuu

hapi 23 monthss++

"boo + bebe = FOREVER LOVE o.O"

by pwnstarr May 31, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

sister forever

Eden the girl that is always there for you no matter what!

Edenโ€ฆjades sister forever

by Idk and idc February 24, 2014

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