An absolute Giga Chad or Sigma male, who has a height of 6ft. Or a Ghost.
“Wow! It’s Casper! He is so tall and handsome!”
casper is so fucking hot. he is the best man you would ever find he has an 23 inch dick. he is very funny. and he owns big dick brothers with johhanes. a very popular onlyfans account. he gets all the girls and he has an a+ in all majors
did you feel Caspers 23 inch dick?
yeah it was absolutely amazing
The biggest NPC you can imagine.
OMG why is he lagging so much. He is such a Casper.
Casper is bad bitch he’s tough and doesn’t let anyone push him around. Casper nice but if u get on the wrong side of him it’s gonna get bloody. He’s attractive and loving.
“Hey fu** you Casper! Huh? Fu** you!! Now you asked for it you F**kin w**ker