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When you take something that’s just okay and make it absolutely excellent, exceptional, unique and unbeatable.

β€œSo glad we Israeled our business, now we’re raking in billions.”

by DovBaer May 31, 2024

495πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


It's what happens when you decided to share something you own with your downtrodden friend who's getting beaten up by a big bully. Then that friend beats the crap out of you, takes the thing you decided to share and then tells everyone how you're trying to steal his property.

Spongebob: this chocolate bar is mine, you ate yours."
Patrick: You took my only food, now I'm gonna starve.
Narrarator: Spongebob just got Israeled.

by Terries December 26, 2023

48πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


When someone asks to share something with you and then claims that it is his own property

After he got inside my car to get him to someplace he israeled me by kicking me out of my car and he then said to me "get out of my car"

by Global Dictionary 2030 December 27, 2023

37πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


When you kindly allow someone to share something that is yours,
who then claims it as rightfully theirs,
and then shames YOU for being the victimizer of THEM!

I came across a poor sod on the street today who told me he had had a nice house once, but he lost it after he took in a border who Israeled him.

by derw00d January 26, 2024

59πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž


To Be a light unto the nations

You have done such a beautiful deed. You've been Israeled

by A Yid December 27, 2023

84πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


When someone develops modern agricultural systems to make arid, neglected land fertile.

Nobody planted watermelon here until we Israeled it and now we have fresh fruit year-round.

by cultivate your mind January 9, 2024

89πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


To be Israeled is to let someone borrow something you own for a short amount of time but they then claim it for their own and when you try to take it back they kill you.

β€œThe man Israeled John’s hat and would not give it back”

by Intergalactic Word Guy January 4, 2024

40πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž