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Adjective - def; To completely and utterly butcher a word or words in everyday conversation.

"Man, I don't know if I would want to infratai... infert.... ENTERTAIN an idea like that."

"Dude, you just paste-tasted the hell outta that one."

This descriptive term made famous by the constantly paste-tasting "Original".

by AceTW August 1, 2004

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Cock Paste

The creamy white substance that is spewed from a males engorged throbbing phallus once ultimate pleasure has been arrived upon due to oral stimulation.

Man 1-"Wow, dude your teeth look absolutely amazing! What is your secret?"

Man 2-" I always make sure to brush my teeth at least twice a day with my boyfriends Cock Paste!"

by Ariesian September 12, 2013

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Fun Paste

Cum more particularly from male's ejaculation.

Guy: I love it when my girl swallows my fun paste.

by adiens September 3, 2011

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Pussy Paste

The act of affixing the two clitoral flaps with the use of an adhesive. Once the pussy is pasted, the male participant vigorously attempts to rupture the bonded pussy until success is achieved.
N.B: lube is not permitted

Steven: Please baby, let me have you
Georgia: I want you to earn it babe, go get the glue, its pussy paste time!

by BALL.VAC December 2, 2016

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copy paste

To rip something off the internet and publish as your own

I copy pasted my homework from Wikipedia.

by pipedreamer August 23, 2007

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kangaroo paste

The adhesive formed after a male masterbates lying on his back and falls asleep before cleaning up, and wakes up with his penis stuck to his stomach.

After a good whack and nap I almost pulled the skin off the head of my penis when I went to take a piss because of all the kangaroo paste.

by twbsucksmyrod November 20, 2010

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thermal paste

Another term for semen or cum

Dude i loaded my computer with to much thermal paste

by Nzahm287 February 24, 2018

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