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sympathy pucker

when you relay to your homie some bad news, and they pucker they ass sympathetically in shock.

can be a way of expressing empathy.

"Yo mang, my boy told me he had a run-in with a bear while camping. Gave the homie a sympathy pucker, but he still alive."

by November 3, 2021

Knuckle pucker

A term for when you just can't explain how goofed a person is.

Holy shit Keenan, you're such a knuckle pucker.

by D-ton218 January 4, 2019

Nut Pucker

A Child who seruptitiously pucks his nuts

I nut puckered your dad

by Hjjddgbbjj December 22, 2020

hooty pucker

Uncontrollable sobbing usually during the projection of a sentence.

Sally's hooty pucker's were so bad we couldn't understand a word she was saying.

by joe62890 January 31, 2011

Duck Pucker

Derogatory descriptive noun to describe disgust with something which blatantly disrespects either consent, agency, or free-will; or describing disgust at a situation which leaves you with limited, coerced, or a single choice under duress. When inebriated with slurred speech it can come out or be misunderstood to be saying "Fuck fucker."

I only have so much control over the duck pucker my sugar daddy holds over me.

by Carotid November 1, 2020

Pucker upp

When you tell somebody to pucker upp you are telling them to get ready to suck your dick

Yo shut up and pucker upp

by CocofrmdaL November 18, 2018

Sphincter’s Puckered

How the 31 NFL franchises feel when they are facing Peyton Manning that week.

Ephraim Salaam When talking about his stories about nfl quarterbacks said this “Playing Peyton Manning… has the whole building shook up, you wanna talk about sphincters puckered?! Everyone’s walk around the facility is different”

This sort of respect is very rarely earned to the point where he also said during install week when you were going against the team you were playing against and exploit their weaknesses. He says “The defensive coordinator comes into OUR install room (he was and OL) and tells us offensively, WHAT WE NEED to DO, to Stop, Peyton Manning.

Playing Peyton Manning every week for his entire career was playing against a team was their Super Bowl. The final boss. The dude still went 13-3 nearly every year regardless of their preparation and giving it all they truly had on the field, and they truly did.

“Sphincters puckered” is a sign of fear and respect. The way one handles themselves when and immense task is given to them.

Playing Peyton Manning, has the whole building Shook up. You want to talk about sphincters in puckered!

I’m scared of playing this man, my sphincter’s is puckered because I know that L is already on our schedule.

sphincter’s puckered. A sign of respect and fear of something. Being ready to give it your all even if the odds rent in your favor.”

by Dairo11 March 17, 2023