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sloppy bob

close to a wet willy, but instead of inserting your finger in your mouth and lubricating it, you simply put it in the poohshooter, completing a 180 degree turn with your finger, simply remove finger and place in your target's hearing organ (ear).

Paul: hey bernard!
Bernard: hey paul
Paul: whatchu doing?
Bernard: putting my finger in my butt, you want a sloppy bob?
Paul: sure! what's that?
Bernard: come here and i'll show you!*
*Bernard sticks finger covered with poo in Paul's ear, Paul screams ewww!...Can i have another?

by Sloppybobtango June 2, 2009

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Sloppy HoJo

To take a steamy dump between the mattress and box spring of a hotel before check out. Named after Howard Johnsons Hotel chain.(sloppy HoJo)

Man I am leaving Howard Johnson's a Sloppy HoJo for their uncomfortable bed and shitty service!!!

by dbrock591 December 23, 2007

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Sloppy Bros

When two bros poop into a bowl then double team a girl by dp'ing her ass, followed by dp'ing her mouth causing her to puke into the feces-filled bowl. The two bros then scoop up some of the puke/poop mixture and serve it to the girl between two hamburger buns. Of course she eats it don't worry.

"Hey man, that girl loved our Sloppy Bros last night."
"I know bro! She texted me today asking if we could give her some more tonight!"

by WuddupDoe February 1, 2015

sloppy snatch

a lift performed by somebody unfamiliar with Olympic lifting. whereby one lifts the bar from the floor overhead.

Alyssa had a rough night, so she had a sloppy snatch

by jawesome99 December 14, 2012

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Sloppy Jussepy

Sloppy Jussepy refers to a tall man who is known as Jussepy who gives nice great head

- Ayo? Have u seen Jussepy

I think you mean "sloppy jussepy" , he's really the throat goat man

by Matthew52143 October 13, 2021

Sloppy Adrian

Similar to a wet Willie, except the one performing the sloppy Adrian picks their nose, farts on the bogey/booger (depending on country), and inserts the fart mucus finger into a victims ear.

Quit picking your nose, it's gross... Why did you just fart on yo- What The Fuck!?

ha HA! Sloppy Adrianed you good!

by TheBeeKeeper777 November 30, 2011

Sloppy Doctor

A street drink primarily consisting of chocolate milk and gin. Sometimes mixed with bitters, tonic water or cranberry 7-up.

Can I get a round of Sloppy Doctors for the boys?

by chrispover December 27, 2019