When one projectile vomits into a vagina then proceeds to eat the contents. Always resulting in the girl leaving you immediatly on your own again.
Dave- I took Janet back to mine for a bachelor's cuppa soup last night.
Pete- On yer own again now then?
Dave- Yeh, don't think I'm ever going to find someone who will let me barf in her bitch hole.
Disposable dishwear such as paper plates, plastic utensils, and plastic cups.
For the picnic they have decided to break out their bachelors china.
When you poop on the toilet seat and then sit on it.
Be careful of the upstairs bathroom, Jordan left some bachelor pads on the seat.
When you poop on the toilet seat and then sit on it.
Be careful of the upstairs bathroom, Jordan left a couple bachelor pads lying around.
When someone uses a shower as a bidet when there is no toilet paper available or someone is too lazy to buy toilet paper.
I ran out of toilet paper, so I jumped in the bachelor bidet to clean myself.
when a girl flirts with multiple guys keeps them on the hook well leading them on and slowly filters them out of her circle without letting them know till she's left with one.
I hate how that e-girl constantly plays bitch Bachelor I hope she gets fucking, cheated on
A bachelor that was on the bachelor and ends up eating Erin’s box…
Damn. That fool ain’t no city boy, he a bachelor boy!!