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Unleash The Bats

When someone, after a break-up or other traumatic experience goes out and has a wild night. Usually meaning they release the inner craziness and angst arising from the situation and have a wickedly good time.

see: to Rage

Alex, after getting dumped by his cheating girlfriend decided to go out that weekend and Unleash The Bats.

After being fired from his low paying retail job, Lewis took it upon himself to grab some mates, go to the bar and Unleash The Bats.

After witnessing her best friend hook-up with the man of her dreams, Elizabeth decided to Unleash The Bats and finish the rest of her Captain Morgan.

by McSkinney October 21, 2009

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trash bat

Song written by the band AFI off their Missing Man EP... what exactly is a Trash Bat? You will need to ask the lyricist and singer Davey Havok.

Once more with a smile
Broken teeth and bloody eyes
In my mean light
My, my, my
Trash bat

by Crashlove 77 December 11, 2018

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Bat Kite

Extremely dark flappy vaginal lips; Vaginal lips so big when fingered vigorously, they sound like B B B B B B B B B B B B...; vaginal lips that can operate the "Clapper" light switch

Bro, I had no idea she was sporting a "bat kite".... she was giving me a chocolate handy with her darkened meat wings while I was banging her...

by Mule Tool January 2, 2017

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Batting Practice

The act or practice of using an emotionally unstable (or otherwise un-dateable) person as a sexual batting cage, so as to be prepared for when you step up to bat in a game that matters (see: hottie)

Marty: "So, I hear you've been dating this Emily for quite some time...is it getting serious?"

Jimbo: "Not at all, I just want to be prepared for when I meet a girl that matters to me. Actually, any girl that is capable of spelling would be an improvement over the one I have now. I haven't even stepped up to plate yet, this is still batting practice."

by G-Ram! (Pelvic thrust) July 24, 2008

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bat poop

poop that comes from bats

sometimes called guano

dracula turned into a bat and made smelly bat poop everywhere

by Thomas Sgroi June 21, 2007

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Bat's Day

Also known as 'Goth Day', Bat's Day is the last saturday in August where goth kids from all over the U.S and Europe flock to Disneyland for a day of princess boo-ing, high heels, and black lipstick. While it's not officialy reconized by the park itself, the park staff is well aware of its existance.

Actress Playing Snow White: "I'm gonna trade shifts with the new girl. I don't want to be around on Bat's Day, and the she wont know about it yet."
Cinderella: Ahh! That goth guy just felt me up!

Sleeping Beauty: Duh, what'd you expect? It's Bat's Day!

by Lani<33 January 27, 2006

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baceball bat

An implement used by a certain N Kiote for pleasuring his anal area.

See also ass clown and turd burglar.

N Kiote found his baceball bat lodged horizontally in his lower rectum. And it hurt like a bitch.

by jaap March 29, 2004

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