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screaming viking

1. A name given to a non-existent cocktail.

2. A fat girl having an orgasm.

"I think I'll have a screaming viking too!"

by Mr Ben February 7, 2005

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Viking Chieftain

The super amazing secret team in the hit roblox game Prtty Much Evry Bordr Gam Evr. (way better than knight commander)

Wow, that viking chieftain just killed brick god 5 times in a row without dying

by Apachedrag427 August 28, 2021

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

vaginal viking

to brutally rape a vagina such as the ways vikings from the past would do

Tom: Hey Mike what's up?

Mike: Yo bro, I was with Natasha last night and after i was finished with her, she called me her vaginal viking.

Tom: Nice dude i wish i was that lethal in bed!

by TomTheOwnage November 21, 2006

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Land Viking

A homeless person. Usually drunk. Goes to punk shows, doesn't pay, steals smokes and beer. Squeegees cars at intersections when they can't steal or mooch.

Get your dirty ass squeegee off my windshield you disgusting Land Viking.

by Jujunum August 27, 2018

Dirty Viking

It's where a male uses his ass hair to give a woman a shit stained beard by sitting on their face

Susan had always dreamed of getting a Dirty Viking from Steve

by Ronn Muffmuncher March 25, 2018

viking grasp

When someone grabs your dick like their shaking hands and jerks it up and down in that same manner causing the receiver to ejaculate blood.

Viking grasp - see above

by Pol Pot's yoga class June 11, 2017

Minnesota vikings

Minnesota vikings

A team in the National Football League (NFL) whose idea of a successful season is not choking during the last 5 weeks and missing the playoffs. Unlike other teams, they know they will never win a Super Bowl and once they make the playoffs, that's pretty much it. Most of their fans are greek and as we know greek men invented man on man anal sex. They call kirk cousins primetime for absoultely no reason at all, he is in fact not primetime at all. Also minnesota has the worst food in america. They say duck duck grey duck instead of duck duck goose. (Idiots) basically only thing that came out of minmesota that was even remotely cool was prince and he was suspect.

The minnesota vikings will win the superbowl in neveruary

by Cashcow820 November 22, 2021