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Plot Gremlin

A character whose only purpose in a story is to make things worse, usually just for their own amusement

You know dave there's a fine line between Villain and Plot Gremlin

by Dastvan August 24, 2020

Pseudo plot-line

When a series of skits or sections are arranged to follow a plot-line.

Person A: Have you seen that rising comedy channel recently?
Person B: Yeah, but his videos are executed differently than they were a few years ago.
Person A: Oh really?
Person B: Back when I first watched them, they followed an actual plot-line. Now the videos only follow a pseudo plot-line.

by ChameleonDragon February 5, 2018

K-plot impatience

Being impatient with the plot during the first few episodes of a Korean Drama Series because it is slow moving.

I have had K-Plot impatience during a few Korean Drama Series, but hung in there and found that the series was fabulous and turned out to be fabulous!

by Get your mirror out March 29, 2024

in a plot

When someone is going to die or is going to be killed

boy I'll shut up before I put you in a plot

by Yourmadd June 4, 2019

plot vortex

Plot vortex is the phenomenon of playing in a role playing game, resists getting caught up in the plot, but does anyway, because otherwise you’re stuck in the bar, drowning your sorrows in a cuppa, watching dreams of adventure slip from your grasp.

Carolina decided to give up her successful psychologist-to-the-stars practice to tumble into the PLOT VORTEX and oppose the NSA and enable the escape of the schizophrenic hacker, obsessed with following the instructions in their head to build an alien tech robot with artificial intelligence.

by CapUSA33 April 22, 2023

Plot conscious

A writer who is self conscious about the plot of one/all of their stories.

Person 1: I’m writing a story.
Person 2: Ooh, what’s it about?
Person 1: Can I text you? I’m plot conscious.

by HakuoTan August 1, 2020

Plot Pussy

A female character added to the plotline of a story only to have romantic advances or sexual intercourse with the main character and/or protagonist to give a sense that the protagonist are a person of deep emotional basis.

This main character would be nothing if it weren't for all the plot pussy they throw at him.

by SevenHate7 December 18, 2017