A SJW that specializes in searching through an entire individuals social media/public history in order to find something that is offensive by today's current woke standards. The age of the offensive comment is irrelevant as the current standards of the day apply backwards for their purpose, even if the comment in question was made years or even decades ago. When something is found that offends a marginalized group the individual is publicly crucified in social media (and the main stream media if possible). The SJW will then use the chance to publicly berate and bully the offender into submission until they conform to their standards of wokeness and receive punishment for their past unreported crimes against humanity.
Bill: "Did you hear Kevin Hart is hosting the Oscars this year?"
Greg: "Guess you haven't heard then, some woke nazi found something offensive he said like 5 years ago and crucified him for it. He stepped down from the gig."
Bill "For something he said 5 years ago, really?"
Greg: "These woke nazi don't care, to them time is irrelevant; even if its 10 years ago it's like you said it yesterday and have to be held accountable by today's standards for anything."
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A person or organization (whose decision makers are) so intent on appearing to be supportive of "social justice" that any semblance of common sense or critical thinking has been abandoned. Woke Jokes will support any trendy social justice cause or organization, join any demonstration or boycott without considering the facts and circumstances surrounding the incident(s) giving rise to such actions. They view those not participating or simply suggesting more information be obtained prior to acting as misguided.
He sent $1,000 to the organization before even looking at its web page. If he had, he would have learned they are opposed to the type of business he owns--he's a total Woke Joke!!
The lowest breed of human degenerates that comprises the 3% of the population; sharing the same shitty opinions, tweeting and ranting if it only fits their narrative and stuff. They think being pa-woke with their selective power of justice, bestowed upon them by Twitter will save the Earth from degeneracy and feed the poor, not knowing they only make themselves look like a cringey, pathetic case of whiny nutjobs.
They are the minority that no one wants and no one asked for. A minor inconvenience and a disgrace to the society that needs to be obliterated before infecting others.
On the contrary, this is not a word for smart-shaming since being pa-woke is not a smart thing to be, it has never been. They are pathetic morons.
Pa-woke: omg i hate this goverment it sucks they dont feed the poor omg #resist #feedthepoor
Also Pa-woke: omg did you hear about the new iphone it looks good i wonder how much it costs me if i sell my old iphone for that. #blessed
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Woke Seed- A conscious being that spreads enlightenment to others for them to enlighten themselves.
I created the term alongside with my book titled, Woke Seed. After countless google searches and other platforms i realized the words "woke" and "seed" had never even been in a sentence next to each other. If you look at google search (definition of woke seed) or (meaning of woke seed) my definition is the only one existing. My books has sold in over 26 countries and people all over the globe now identify with the term or word Woke Seed.
After John did more research he would soon be a better woke seed.
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A form of privilege that is extended to those who hold the "correct" views about all things societal, economic, scientific and political.
These correct views are determined by the major institutions. When governments, major corporations, mass media and entertainment, universities etc. all support your viewpoint (regardless as to whether it is rooted in reality or not) you have woke privilege. These viewpoints are typically perpetuated by intersectional Frankensteins and usually result in the creation of many Wokenstein's Monsters.
Conversely, if you hold views that are different to the woke gospel (regardless as to whether they are rooted in reality or not) then you will be cancelled for merely having a different viewpoint and are not considered to have woke privilege (however, you will likely be accused of having every other kind of privilege in an attempt to discredit you). This is because those with Woke privilege are typically woke Fordians.
Joe: " Hey man, did you know that *insert woke opinion here* is so great?"
Mama: "Jesus Joe, who has been filling your head with this nonsense?"
Joe: *screeches and points* "this one's not one of us!"
Mama: "well, it looks like my viewpoint is cancelled because I don't have woke privilege"
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To have the same views on sensitive subjects held by McDonalds and all the elites you are supposedly against but still consider yourself a rebel and believe you are in a movement for change and love and not just being used to destroy or replace something.
Often has high viewership and likes, many aggressive followers, and loves to use clapping hands. May or may not support violence when opposing views are considered Nazis by said elites or 'more woke' accounts.
Woke Twitter in Action
Person 1: Borders may in fact prevent some illegal immigration. And I do think there are racial differences in people....
Woke person 1: Borders are a mechanism to divide perceived racial groups based on hatred and must be removed for societies to thrive and prevention of separating children from families. It is also an egregious attack on the economy as infinity wage slave immigrants will be used to prop up our society through taxation. Race doesn't exist.
Woker Person 2: Supporting borders is akin to Adolf Hitler and Nazis in early stages wanting to separate the Jewish population from the German population. It is also the cause of many historical wars. It is a precursor to fascism and will only lead to violence. Immigration is about love and friendship, when a small group of immigrants attain a visible amount of power they should be lionized as the American dream so the rest of the immigrants don't realize they never will. Race doesn't exist and is contradictory to this and must be denied at all costs because knowledge of evolutionary traits and differences can cause conflict among races and is dangerous thought. Also I don't like white people.
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βWOKENESSβ (2022 definition): when the average American finally wakes up & realizes weβve been, for the last 6 years, duped by a TV con man: the Psychotic Pied Piper of Mar-a-Largo/ NYC.
Many folks are examples of 2022 WOKENESS.
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