"Women who will" (TM)...
...make advances in medicine
...publish award winning novels
...win nobel prizes
...achieve their dreams
...kick your ass for stereotyping them
Wellesley Women get things done, when they choose.
434๐ 183๐
Most beautifuol women in the world! Famous for their beauty! Men go to Iceland just to look at the women!!
Julia is one of many beautiful Icelandic Women!!
385๐ 163๐
Women who are above 5'8. Usually get mocked for being taller than everyone else and have difficulty dating due to all the super tall guys dating midget girls below 5'5 girls. often told to not wear heels because they are too tall already, avoid saying that.
that one tall women who fucked your boyfriend.
34๐ 10๐
One of the most beautiful women ever
They have three unique shades: light cream, caramel, and dark chocolate
And because of that, people get jealous of them
Sadly, they are often fetished and rejected by society
Black women need more love. Spread the word
304๐ 132๐
These Caribbean women have many level of expertise. They can cook and clean their asses off. & have the power to easily please their men. They can care for their children with out even breaking a sweat. & have intelligence beyond your belief.
Our wives are Dominican Women.
244๐ 103๐
Chicken and eggs of any preparation, but most commonly the health-nut favorite, chicken and egg whites.
Waitress - "You ready to order?"
Customer - "Yes please, I'll have the women and children, whites only, wheat toast no butter, a side of fruit and an O.J. Oh, and can you please bring some salsa with that too?"
Waitress - "Comin right up honey."
43๐ 14๐
Women have WHAT!!???
Example of lack of women rights:
Wife: Can we go out tonight?
Husband: Why are you talking? Make my food
256๐ 111๐