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blast phonk

A micro genre originaly created by the aggressive phonk artist "blastgrid". Blast phonk is a aggressive phonk micro genre, which is basicly aggressive phonk but 100 times louder. Most popular artists in this genre are: HUSSVRX, KmS, blastgrid, MXZ+ and oaktreehill.

Yo letziu, have you listened to HUSSVRX's new blast phonk track?

by Letziu July 20, 2023

8👍 1👎

wagget blast

when a male is getting head and while his penis is in the girls mouth you take the females head and shake it around and about and whip your penis out of her mouth as hard as you can

"dude me and my girlfriend tried wagget blasting last night and when i whipped my penis out she almost bit it off"

by jankydank August 5, 2009

Nasty Blast

A perticularly foul smelling defication. Usually occours following a long period of drinking, liquid in consistency and expelled in a violent fasion.

"Ahhh mate that was a nasty blast", "Don't go in there for an hour, I've just done a nasy blast"

by Greg Abell May 22, 2008

Blast wedgie

A blast wedgie is when you take off the victims panties then give them a wedgie then another person will blast the victims cheeks with a hose or a water gun

Blast wedgie: when I was a 14 years old boy my friend visited me over as I went outside my brother pulled down my panties then my friend yanked my underwear very very high he said “ those are some nice cheeks” obviously my face flushed with red then brother got a hose and sprayed my cheeks for 15 minutes my cheeks were red btw my parents were away so yea.

by AHoof March 12, 2022

Baja Blast

To end an otherwise hot shower with a thorough rinse using only cold water

"Wow, you look so energized and alert after your shower."
"Nothing like a Baja Blast to get you going in the morning."

by VocabernetSauvignon July 20, 2020

Bunga Blast

To get your bung blasted into oblivion

Random Person on Street: Please stop harassing me.
George: Lol get Bunga Blasted nerd

by Paul Kronst August 9, 2018

ranch blasted

Shooting your cool ropes into your woman's Hidden Valley

I hadn't cum in so long that last night I ranch blasted my girlfriend

by bácón September 3, 2022