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If you're on urban dictionary and reading this, you already know the definition.

Boredom is when you're bored with nothing to do so you type "urban dictionary" on Google or whatever browser you use and you search up random shit like emojis, words you already know, "sdrawkcab", or, of course, " boredom", also known as the condition you are currently suffering from.

by ÃÅĀÀÁÂÄ September 24, 2022


A severe disease where you go to the urban dictionary to look this word up.

go get help,
we're in this together.


by math class board..... February 10, 2022


Your friend Niklas waiting until he has 19.000 notifications on YouTube because his previous record was 18.000 and then starting over.

You: "Hey Niklas, wuzzup?"
Niklas: "Nothing much, just waiting for my new notifs record."
You: "Wow, that's the very definition of boredom..."

by McRaph September 28, 2021


something that can take ones life over. something with no cure. something cruel that people ages 0-150 face.

i die of boredom everyday

by mr. draco lucius malfoy February 23, 2021


If you are bored, you might type something like this:

Person 1: How bored are you?
You: `1234567890-=~!@#$%^&*()_+qwertyuiop\QWERTYUIOP{}|asdfghjkl;'ASDFGHJKL:"zxcvbnm,./ZXCVBNM<>?
Person 1: Dang boredom really is killing you...

by trebleiscute November 29, 2021


how i feel 24/7

i have boredom

by chanslaptop December 8, 2020


When you feel like you have absolutely NOTHING left to do or when you're doing something you don't like, you feel Boredom.

I made other people feel endless boredom by putting this on the urban dictionary.

by Your Mums Mom October 11, 2021