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fuck you bitch

fuck you

Person 1: I banged your girlfriend
Person 2: fuck you bitch

by what_happen_to_docdisrespect12 February 3, 2022

Fuck you bitch

A statement you make when you're mad and GOT PUNCHED IN THE GODDAMN FACE, TOM.

"Fuck you bitch, why would you do that?"

by I'll fuck your mom August 16, 2022

Fucking Bitch Lagger

A term used to describe a person with such an immensely low internet connection that they are lowered to a level that of a female dog, using "fucking' for more emphasis on their lag.

Person 1:"Man this guy is keeping us from starting our game!"
Person 2:" I know right? He's such a Fucking Bitch Lagger!!!"
Person 3:"Lets just kick his ass out of our guild He's always doing this shit!"

by Klikster January 20, 2014

Fucking Son of a Bitch

A word to call an asshole or when you stub your toe.

"You're a Fucking Son of a Bitch"

by totally a h00man February 5, 2021

Fucking screen bitch

People who hide behind a screen but bottle it when confronted

Fucking Screen bitch - “ spawn kills even though you’ve not gone near them”

The mandem - “oi you fucking pussy your so wet. Come on say something you won’t. Your shit on your own”

Screen bitch - “..................”

by Hippotankus April 27, 2020

Fucking Cunt Ass Bitch

A generally stupid person, rarely used as a joke, a cunt is the worst thing you can call someone.

“Bro you’re so goofy shut the fuck up you fucking cunt ass bitch😹😹”

by Hsbshsjbudns1838 September 3, 2022

dumb fucking bitch

Someone who is an absolute dumbass.

Regina: Omg, she is such a dumb fucking bitch for sleeping with Adam.
Emma: I know right?!

by coolmfker October 29, 2022