During the covid epidemic in Australia politicians made many decisions "Based on Health Advice". At the start these were legitimate however over time they were politicised and used to further politicians agendas. Particularly in the Hermit Kingdom of Westralia where this was recognised amongst the doona dwellers and the term BHA quickly became a satirical phrase to excuse bad behaviour.
"BHA (Based on Health Advice) it's your shout".
"I told my missus, BHA (Based on Health Advice) you're on top tonight"
"BHA (Based on Health Advice) you're on dunny duty again"
"Sorry dude, BHA (Based on Health Advice) you're not invited"
n. The Art of Caring for ones self , through Positive Mental Attitude, "The Thought That Counts" and "The Know You Can".
To be Courageously vulnerable and seek help if needed . It is to easy to get stuck in a vortex of negativity , lets find whats right for You. For it is only We who can Help Ourselves. Self Health is Your opportunity to choose Happiness, by instilling Positivity, Kindness, Good exercise, Diet and Thoughtful thinking into your life. You can do it, Yes You can, be the Best you can today, It all starts with you.
No Really, Help Yourself . Cope for Hope , Patience ,and Perseverance are Key, Right behind Self Love, Self Gratitude, Self Respect, and Self Ability.
Self Health is a Outreach & Awareness program Developed by The Raising Grace Community in efforts to build Happier Healthier Communities by Promoting Positivity and Kindness through Good Neighboring, and giving Recognition for Participation by showing Appreciation through Selfless Celebrations in Communities
In Hopes of bringing the full potential to Communities World Wide
Ahola'alohA your welcoming to "A Hello Good Life"
We hope Everyone enjoys and jumps on board. Thanks for your time
Times were at a all time low , before i started putting Self Health into my Daily routine .
Self Health really brought me back to life after i found myself struggling with addiction and depression .
Studies say you need to up your intake of vitamin Me
Please just believe this health report
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HolyRoots approved by NightWalkers, What I hold in my hand is a NightWalker Approved drink HolyRoots. @NWAssuredapprovedhealthHolyRoots is organic vegan NW Approv assured Health nuts & seeds free atmospheres, I live long past Methuselah's ages 969 only because I take regularly NightWalker Approved Assured Health HolyRoots
A small home health care business looking forward to growing in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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A small health care business looking forward to growing, located in Las Vegas, Nevada. As the area's leading professional care provider, they offer the very best, compassionate care for your family. Their goal is to improve the physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness of their clients.
Looking for the best home health care for you or your family? Well lucky you, there's Honesty Home Health Care! As we love to say, honesty is our best policy!
Sovah Health is a hospital and medical corporation that operates out of Danville and Martinsville, Virginia. Sovah stands for Sons Of Vaginal Ass Holes.
"Welcome To Sovah Health; Sons Of Vaginal Ass Holes!"