To create, manifest, dream, or envision that connect you to imagining a better world.
Isn't it interesting that Dr. Strange saw so many realities all at once? Imagine, being able to pick and choose which reality manifests?
Implying that someone won’t do something
Imagine: “imagine I actually did that”
Man 1: can you buy me something from the store
Man 2: imagine
a Riot Games Valorant player who loses a game with the score of 0-18
Slang term commonly found in League of Legends. Used as first word in a scentence, building up to an insult.
Imagine being silver, what a yoke.
Imagine imagining a man imagining an image.
8 year old kids that say this in the chat everytime they get clapped by a sweat.
imagine hacking bro, get a life
imagine hacking bro, how bad do you have to be to hack in a lego game?
It's like imagining but fizzier
I was sitting here and I was imaginizing I was somewhere else