Source Code

Jonah Kahn

Jonah Kahn is

A young boy who easily contracts STD's. He has approximately 8 STD's at the current moment.

Jonah Kahn has many STD's

by AntiFern February 7, 2018

Jonah's dick

A Jonah's Dick is almost a medium size, but looks like they use pills to enhance it's width.

Me: Ryan's dick pick was leaked to the football team.
Friend: Probably a Jonah's dick right?
Me: Yea, pretty much.

by Incognito Tab November 1, 2019

Jonah’s dad

The father of Jonah everyone thinks is incredibly sexy and very breedable. Everyone wants a chance to get with Jonah’s dad.

Friend #1, “hey, what’re you doing later?”
Friend #2, “I’m going to be doing Jonah’s dad, he’s incredibly sexy!”

by DadLover69420 August 2, 2022

jonah calvo

if you're jonah calvo you have the big gay

You're such a jonah calvo.

by wewlad42069 September 11, 2019


When someone sees the current state of society and wishes that it be torn to shreds.

This refers to the Bible when Jonah thought Nineveh deserved to be destroyed due to the city's wicked and sinful behavior. God spared the city of Nineveh because the city's residents repented; Jonah thought they still deserved punishment.

"Yeah, Mike hates what America has become- and understandably so. He goes as far as to say that America is worse than Berlin in the early 1930s and even ancient Sodom and Gomorrah. He often says, 'We get what we deserve!' I would be hard-pressed to find someone more 'Jonah-pilled' than he is."

by schizo.lounge August 18, 2023

Jonah Boner

Jonah is a caring human that will be there for you almost all the time. He loves to do drugs and have a good time but is also very generous to the people around. He loves cats and to smoke weed, pretty much just a laid back guy. He likes to hang out with an older group then him and does not play many sports. He is not good at driving so dont be on the road with jonah boner or in the car with him. Everyone loves him and loves to make fun of him like the term "Jonah Boner".

Remember Jonah Boner from highschool?

Jonah Boner helped me today.

by skytar December 5, 2017

Jonah Special

Sticking your fingers in a girl's (or guys, whatever floats your boat) arse, before shoving the fingers down her throat

holy shit, i just Jonah Special ed her.

by Jonah123456 October 7, 2011