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Laying(Layed) On Ladies

dood: wat'd u do last night?
doodness: lol. duhhhhh

by lady-killa January 21, 2007

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"Laughing out Loud", I have seen some people uses more "L"s to let the other person knows how funny he was.

lol (he)

lolllllll (hahaahaha)

by juss May 25, 2006

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a word used in text messages or AIM, yahoo, etc...meaning "laughing out loud" It was actually so overused that many people in our modern society decided to migrate from that word to haha. Saying lol to someone is just a way to stop a conversation when you have nothing to say. It's also a way to make the other person feel like they're fun to be around with their "great sense of humor" and all... If people actually DID laugh out loud, they'd come out and say "i just laughed for real"

JackFTW: Dude I was walking down a street today and then I blinked and all of a sudden I forgot what happened, it was soooooo weird, dude.

Steve678: lol


Jane74: OMG! GUESS WHAT!! I got these AMAZING SUNGLASSES that are like huge, you don't even know!!

*4 minutes*

Jane74: Hello?

*1 minute*

Jane74: Did you read my message?

Tilly904: lol


Jasper8D: Can I confide in you my deepest secrets? I don't know who else I can tell..

Greg67: lol...

Jasper8D: What was the "..." for?

Greg67: Uh...what do you think...

Jasper8D: lol

by i lost the remote April 12, 2009

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lack of laughter


by D327 April 6, 2011

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1) when written in caps, using smiley faces, or exclamation points, it means "laugh out loud", and you really are laughing, or at least have a smile on your face 2) something you say when there's nothing else you can think of to say back to the person 3) you didn't really think it was funny, but they thought so, so you have to give them SOME kind of response! 4) what you reply to people when you just erased your texts, forgot what you were talking about, and the next text you get says lolll! you have no idea where it came from, but you'd better pretend!

texting person #1: and then i fell over his cat and broke my arm LOLLL! it was SOOO funny!!!
texting person #2: lol

by nothingnothingnothing November 6, 2010

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Occasionly meaning "Lots of Love" though it can be confused with "Laughing Out Loud".
This can lead to problems.

(This is within a text)
Heard your dog just died.

lol 1337 mistake text mix-up

by FerryMan226 October 28, 2010

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Lol- lol stands for laugh out loud you would say this if someone said something funny

"oh you fell over in the mud?" Josh said "lol" answered jack

by MessWidMe March 27, 2018

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