The name means that you "Mine" for resources, and "Craft" things with the resources that you got from mining. Hence the name Minecraft. Also killed Fortnite and became number one in 2019 😎
Gaymer: hey dude wanna play Fortnite
Gamer: no i wanna play Minecraft
Gaymer: eww kid game
Gamer: oh look a creeper behind you
A nice, calming game, but people anywhere won’t shut the fuck up about it.
The best game ever. Bash out to it. Although it is a game for “kids” there are ways to make it not PG😎😘. Overall the best game. So smexi. Steve is fit
Are you a diamond pickaxe cause you make me harder than obsidian, -Steve from minecraft
The product of deficating in a toilet while simultaneously eating a meal
Person 1) Dude; are you minecrafting?
Person 2) I was trying to push that turd so hard that I worked up an appetite and by the time I finished my burger I finally had a successful bowel movement.
The product of defecating in a toilet while simultaneously eating a meal.
Dude; are you Minecraft right now?
Yes I had to shit really bad but I was also hungry