A new level of thought or next plain of thinking.
Also XXXTentacions sons name!
I'm in a new Gekyume.
How are you Yung Gekyume?
A "different state" or "next" universe of thoughs.
I am in the next gekyume of thinking.
Gekyume is a word made up by late rapper xxxtentacion meaning: “next universe of thought” or a “different state of mind." Gekyume is also the name of the late rappers Son.
I'm in the next gekyume of thinking
'gekyume' is a word created by the rapper XXXTENTACION, to describe the how he was thinking, related to his music.
The definition given by XXXTENTACION himself was that a 'gekyume', was a 'different state' or 'next universe' of thought.
Fan; How's your next album coming along X?
XXXTENTACION; I'm in the next gekyume of thought at the moment.
a word made up by rapper xxxtentacion.
i am in the next gekyume of thinking.
xxxtentacion’s new word. the definiontion is,
gekyume: a “different state” or “next” universe of thought
“ i am in the next gekyume of thinking.”
A different state or universe of thought.
Instead of death lets move on from this Gekyume to the next.