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Does Rudy have a massive shlong

Does Rudy have a massive shlong
Yes. Yes Rudy does. That sexy mf๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅฐ

Does Rudy have a massive shlong
Girl: Oh my god Rudy has a massive shlong
Guy Yes he does
*Bites lip ominously*

by VerySexyMan123 March 22, 2021

Wing Shlong Ching Chong

The act of when 3 Chinese men stick their penises in all 3 of a Chinese womens holes Mouth, Pussy , Booty

Chinese man: Ohh hellro prease, last night my friends and i gave Ling some Wing Shlong Ching Chong.

by Jtan17 May 15, 2011

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big ass shlong in your mom

when u have a big dick and put it in your birth giver

boy 1. damn did u put that big ass shlong in your mom before this its so wet and juicy
boy2. yes

by big ones only February 27, 2022

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Shlong Rip

The most devious, diabolical, smelly, gross bong rip to ever enter a human beings lungs.

โ€œWoah Johan just hit a Shlong Rip, what a gross guyโ€

by SlongDongRon February 17, 2023

Shling Shlong

Someone who bullies someone else and injures them

Finally took care of those shling shlongs they were hurting me

by Brett the shling shlong killer October 4, 2018

Magnum Shlong

Noun: A penis so magnificent and glorious its hard to look at.

Darren has a Magnum Shlong

by DaddyLobster69 November 27, 2021

magnum shlong

a very large penis

yo look at this drawing my seat partner made of a magnum shlong
woah dude that is a magnum shlong

by teeeaaaaaa August 28, 2021