Trophy Hunting is when someone is seeking a partner just for sexual conquest not a relationship. See Unicorn Hunting or Dragon Hunting.
I can’t study tonight I’m going Trophy Hunting!
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spurs trophies is 0
A young, attractive wife regarded as a status symbol for an older homosexual man, or man with suspiciously extreme feminine mannerisms. Typically paraded among wealthy social circles and adorned with lots of bling to keep the attention on her.
That really really rich old fart sure has a beautiful trophy beard. She doesn't care about his shriveled dick because he's too busy waving it around in other dude's faces.
Life trophies are usually brought up in conversation to illustrate how awesome a person thinks they are.
You can also use this sarcastically to dilute the one upmanship from people.
Eddie: What do you do this weekend?
Andy: I had sex with a blonde, brunette and redhead in one day.
Eddie: nice life trophy.
Term of endearment for children...
And these two here are mommy's little twat trophy :)
an unplanned child, usually when the female forgets to take her birth control on purpose to trap a guy she is sleeping with.
Hey Heather did you see Sarah and her new cock trophy?
A triple entendre referring to a woman that is extremely fake-tanned to the point of being orange (bronze), is good-looking enough where a douche-bag might be proud to be dating or married to her (trophy), but will ultimately come in third place or lower in any reasonable contest of beauty or worth (bronze trophy).
"Whoa, look at that dude's hot.... orange...."
"Yeah... kinda' leathery.... girlfriend. At least she works out a lot."
"Yeah, bro. She's a real bronze trophy."