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A gay nigga that’s that

John: hey faggot

Joseph: shut the fuck up before I suck yo dick nigga

Dylan: the fuck this nigga faggot lmao

by Niggerslayer42000000 blazzzeee September 6, 2019


What the British used to call cigarettes. Then what they called gay people that they rolled up in a carpet and lit on fire, because the looked like cigarettes.

Wow. Look at that faggot burn.

Please never say this :)

by Riley 666 March 14, 2017



Walrus is a faggot

by Pussy Destroyer 999 October 1, 2019


Atom, he's an asshole and should kill himself!!! Jk love you

Don't be a faggot

by Jsfjbbdtjnb October 24, 2018


F - fat
A - and
G - gay
G - guggling

O - on
T - top

Mum: Look at that faggot over there
Son: isn’t that dad 👨

by Sl0ppyh03s September 17, 2023


A man who wants to be dominated by a woman

His wife is the man In the relationship he is a faggot

by Anonymousanonymous13 February 17, 2022


A man who wants to be dominated by a woman

His wife is the man the relationship he is a faggot

by Anonymousanonymous13 February 17, 2022