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A Hole in One

This describes someone was fucking a girl and nuts in one pump

"I was fucking Michelle and I just blew it, I was a hole in one."

by Vanilla Water November 7, 2017

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Binge Hole

1. The emptiness after binge watching an entire television series. 2. The way you act towards your loved ones after binge watching an entire television series. 3. The vacuum left as your family and friends slam the door shut after / during binge watching an entire television series. 4. The dent left in your couch cushions after binge watching an entire television series.

Nothing will fill the binge hole in my soul after watching two seasons of Mad Men. I was such a binge hole to my girlfriend after watching House of Cards all weekend. Look at that binge hole in the couch!

by Clambo September 29, 2015

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furtive, secretively, so that only a few people know

It was a hole-and-corner operation.

by brimon July 28, 2006

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Anyone with a hairy anus.

Tom: Hey, fuzz-hole, ever heard of razors?
Enid: Shut up Tom, you're such a huge fuzz-hole its like the pit beast that ate Boba Fett.

by Cunninglinguist the Cock April 21, 2010

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Black Hole

A vagina that has been so fucked up it can now take in anything with ease. Often times is caused by extremely large dicks causing a large hole in the vagina and it will never be the same.

Me:”Hey Roger did you hear what I did to your co-worker?”
Roger: β€œNo what happened?”
Me:”I slid into that bitch and gave her a big black hole, you can have her now but she won’t feel it.”

by Bigeverett May 20, 2018

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Black Hole

When a person is chowing down on another person's ass, the ass sucker makes a suction around the starfish with their mouth, but the starfish us unruly and sucks your lips in, much like a singularity absorbing all matter in its path.

Person 1: Word on the street says you've been hanging out with Deltrese again. You know she a ho, yeah?

Person 2: Well I was thinking about it for a while. I just got done fucking her and she wanted to shower. While we was in there she say "eat my ass" so I did, except that bitch asshole sucked my lips in like a goddamn black hole; we had to go to the hospital like a muthafuckin human centipede.

Person 1: Bruh. Bruh. I don't think we can be homies anymore.

by MLGStreamers.com May 12, 2016

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Black hole

Someone who is a very negative person. So negative, they suck the life out of you.

My grandmom constantly complaining and always seems miserable. She's such a black hole, it's getting more difficult hanging out with her.

by Brad34695 May 26, 2020

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