V. The act of spitting into another's throat, typically during intercoarse, that results in them asphyxiating and, in many cases, dying
Well, boys, thats one more lost to Uncle Jimmy's West Texas Fried Breakfast
The small peepee guy that eats berries that are west
"Hey he has small peepee, He must be a Walker West Berry"
Either the best or the worst high school you’ve ever heard of/been to. In contrast to the other school in town, Traverse City Central, it is the best (Central sucks). Known for having the best student section in the state of Michigan, adequate sports teams, and “Bring Your Tractor to School Day”.
Person 1: Why were there so many tractors on Silver Lake Road this morning?
Person 2: Must have been Bring Your Tractor to School Day up at Traverse City West.
When you walk in on one of you family members having sex and it gets you horny
John: hey I walked in on my cousin fucking her boyfriend
Bruce: did you get a west Virginer
John: *kicks the ground* yes
West Papua is a beautiful province, consisted of beautiful people and natural resources.
my friend: West Papua is a unique place isn't it?
me: it is very unique, you have to visit West Papua!.
is the best lookin man on this planet & the loyalist in the world
demarius west is the finest man
A shit hole filled with crappy expensive food, where everyone thinks amazing when really they're just assholes
"I go to West Thames College and I 'love' it there"