When a high five is given erroneously, you perform a minus-five to correct it by putting hands together and removing them while making the high five clap noise with your mouth. Imagine a high five in reverse.
Matt: I texted Ryan and told him "chop chop it's beer 30."
Trucks comes down the road.
Robert: Here comes Ryan now! You told him!
*high five*
Truck passes
Matt: That's not Ryan, minus-five.
That's how long it took us to get Harvest back.
At first it was going well. Then setback after setback... Loss after loss... Made what was going to be a quick and decisive win... Into five long years of hell.
the annoying ass phrase that rockstar freddy says cuz he wants all your fucking fazcoins
rockstar freddy: please deposit five coins
me: SHUT THE FUCK UP *proceeds to turn on the heat, making the fuckhead malfunction*
A nick-name for a blunt coined by Artifacts in their song Lower Da Boom. Called so for the approximate length of a blunt
Sit back and light the five inch adventure
The act of getting violently fisted by a person wearing several rings. These rings end up catching some pussy flaps and ripping the snatch to shreds.
Tyrant: god I hope she doesn’t die.
Big Easy: ummmm what?
Tyrant: I gave this whore a five finger death cuntch cd and now she is on life support at Jefferson hospital.
Big Easy: o bloody hell...
Callum Johnsons 5 minutes are actually 25 minutes
Callum - "ill be back in five minutes"
Call- hes gone for a pot noodle
When you vibe to hard. You make top ten
This cat kinda chill tho😯 he made the Top Five Vibes