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Full bowl mold

When creame of wheat or oat meal sits in a bowl for too long, and becomes molded to the bowl. When you finally take the product out of the bowl, you should have one solid mold of the bowl that you put it in.

Jason didn't eat his oat meal for several hours, and while cleaning his dishes he stumbled upon a full bowl mold. He threw it at Brandon as a practical joke.

by Dick Changler March 22, 2015

The Full Wind

When you fuckin for the full 3 hours 58 minutes of the movie Gone With the Wind

"Hey babe wanna go for the full wind tonight"
"Frankly dear i don't give a damn"

by seizememesofproduction December 6, 2016

Full Richter

A Full Richter is when you cum inside someone and then IMMEDIATELY arrest them. Based on the lead character (and sex symbol) Special Agent Daniel Richter of the popular streaming crime series "The Oath" (2021).

I took this girl out last night and when she was a real freak. When she told me her darkest fantasies I knew I had to give her the FULL RICHTER.

by SeamusSikes February 9, 2021

Going full mary

Doing so much coke and molly and whip it’s on the weekend then going back on the work grid Monday morning

Guy #1 - damn! Heather already took two molly pills and did a gram of coke!
Guy #2 - yeah she’s going full Mary this weekend!

by Ricksauce December 4, 2017

Full credit

I'll take it.

Hym "And I'm not taking full credit because you're not complicit. I'm taking full credit so Ohba Tsugumi doesn't have to take any. The people around me should have put a stop this before it even became what it is now."

by Hym Iam August 3, 2023

full scale consciousness

Multidimensional consciousness of sapience, sentience, and sophonce.

Capable of experiencing and making conscious instances.
A monad (whole unit) of consciousness.
Also perhaps can be worldly of most kinds of advanced worlds and more.
A high-form high-consciousness.
Has an adequate rating of omniquotience (intelligence, sensory, social, emotional, creative, energy, and more quotients).
A post-exponentia of consciousness kind scale that can also be attributed to clear humans and isn't necessarily restricted to only extradimensionals, however might be expected of them.

A complete (holistically complete*) consciousness of a dimensional level.
A consciousness of a full scale.

Some tried transcending the levels of consciousness to attain full scale consciousness and many were helped by many full scale consciousnesses too, and not only through generative drugs and astral travel and multidimensional downloads of varying moderate andor high success.

by TranslogicMultisonance May 31, 2023

full-kit wanker

A guy wear the full kit of a football club in every day non-sports related situations, including socks.

Rick is wear the full Ajax kit. Rick is a full-kit wanker.

by tomsal June 15, 2024

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