Bro 1: Bro, I was pounding a salad so hard last night.
Bro 2: What? No breadsticks?
When you ask a question that is clearly a "Yes" or "No" question, and the reply involves dancing around the issue with nonsensical overly complicated verbiage, making a clear effort to avoid giving a clear "yes" or "no" answer, and also subtly gaslighting the questioner.
YOU: "Was Stalin Evil for killing hundreds of thousands of people?"
CHAT GPT: "EVIL is such a strong world, and it must be understood that the complex and nuance concepts of what a person is helps define what we mean by when we say Stalin and 'killing people.' It must be considered that we cannot make judgements without exploring the issue with long inclusive langauge or conceptial intersectionality based on the issue at hand. It can in fact be hurtful to make such judgements or to utter statements of this because it can infringe on the rights of numerous individual identities who identify as Stalin-colored minorities. We must ... *insert random collection of words that sound intellectual but have no real meaning or value.*
YOU: "That's a Woke Salad right there, buddy."
Where one uses salad items to insert in to a girl or mans hole. Examples include courgettes, radishes, cucumbers or ultimately butternut squash.
Hey Leanne fancy a salad party tonight? After all it is your birthday
The Dutch Salad is a sexual maneuver that is the combination of the Dutch Oven and Tossing ones Salad. Specifically it is when one eats out another's ass, then has a blanket pulled over them to trap them in the act, then gets farted on.
Oh man, I totally gave her a Dutch Salad and she loved it!
of the best possible quality; excellent.
Omg you got me a drink, prime salad!
Like a tossed salad but with the extra spice of Central Park wildcrafted greens
Yo she gave him a Central Park salad, now he got that extra spicy arugula in his mouth
The origin of Mickey Salad is not as innocent as you might think. Minnie and Mickey Mouse got divorced after Minnie was caught cheating with Daisy Duck. Minnie was the only one in the marriage with Mickey that had a job. She worked at the boutique with Daisy. Mickey became an alcoholic and cocaine addict and began a cannabis farm in his backyard. Eventually, Mickey’s weed dealing business began going south and Mickey became desperate. Not knowing what to do, he smoked all of the weed he couldn’t sell, further deteriorating his physical and mental health. After a very long night of staring at his TV and not taking anything in, he came across a movie that gave him the idea to get himself run over and sue the person who did it. Two days later, Mickey executed his scheme. After he successfully sued the innocent man, he used the money to buy cocaine and pay for the clubhouse’s electricity and water. Eventually, Goofy got sick of living in the clubhouse, nicknamed the Mickey Mouse drughouse so he ratted Mickey out to the police. Donald Duck heard about it and told Mickey before the police raided the clubhouse. Goofy, not wanting to arouse suspicion stayed at the clubhouse waiting for the police to arrive. Mickey used this to his advantage. He made Goofy poisoned salad and ate some himself. Goofy foolishly ingested Mickey’s salad. A few short hours later, they both died after suffering from seizures. That is where the phrase, “Mickey Salad, yucky yucky” comes from.
Child: Mickey salad, yucky yucky
Brother: What does that mean
Sister: You haven’t heard of The Mickey Salad Story?