A bottled organic tea company based in Bethesda, Maryland. It was founded in 1998 by Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company. The name is a pun on the word "honesty".
Honest Tea is the best
The usage of a Tea Towel To dry out the recievers anal passage and dry off the givers penis. then perform the act of anal sex without any lubrication.
Tea towel method: Getting a tea towel and drying out the anal passage and penis before anal sex
"MY girlfriend seems really irritated and annoyed right now. It must be "Tea Time"
We don’t care if you hospitalized you must prove to us why you don’t wait otherwise, we will manipulate your who life.
Iman doesn’t wait ( tea time) if she fasted!
We don’t care if you hospitalized you must prove to us why you don’t wait otherwise, we will manipulate your who life.
Iman doesn’t wait ( tea time) if she fasted!
An hour usual between 18:00 and 19:00 where british people sitdown infront of the telly with a cuppa and listen to the queens summary of recent events.
All businesses close down for the hour as staff drink tea and sociallize with colleagues
mum: "Son can you pop to the shops for my prescription"
son:"no you stupid bitch its almost tea time"