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National Rayzning Day

The widely celebrated Holiday on September 6th that celebrates the Almighty Rayzning joined Roblox.

The family bought fireworks to celebrate National Rayzning Day

by Boblox April 28, 2021

National Blowjob Day

December 9th is when every woman has to give her man a blowjob, no strings attached

I can’t wait until national blowjob day on december 9th

by BigFatJoe1585 December 9, 2019

National Roger Day

The celebration of the one and only Roger Shunnarahs birthday 🥳

What are you doing today?-Liam

What do you mean, obviously celebrating national roger day!”-Niall

by laylamarie February 18, 2022

National Gerg Day

the day of the gerg (october 14). on this day, gerg was gerged into existence. as such, we must worship the gerg. happy birthday gerg. gerg bless

Oh hey! Did you guys realize it was National Gerg Day? NO WAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GERG!

by gerglover777 October 13, 2019

National Tetris Day

November 1st is national Tetris day. Come on out and play the amazing game of Tetris, and maybe crush the competition

Random: Hey, what ya doing today?

Me: didn’t you hear, it’s Nov. 1st! It’s National Tetris Day!

by biganimebou October 26, 2019

National Horny Day

National horny day is on April 17th. On this day you can ask for any sexual favors.

Damn you heard today is national Horny Day. Imma finally ask Paige for them nudes.

by AsianManDan April 17, 2020

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National Kara day

The 29 May is national tell/show a Kara how much they mean to you.

Person: Here have this

Kara: why

Person: It’s national Kara day

by National Kara Day May 29, 2021

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