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Retard is a word middle and high schoolers use everyday to insult each other while online people say it’s a slur ☠️ so common to use it in nyc and philly

he’s a fucking retard”

by philly goat January 28, 2023


A term of endearment

Tom and Aaron are my favorite retards!😁

by Gee Dee October 9, 2020


What you are if you needed to search this up to find the definition.

Bob: You're such a fucking retard!
You: aduhhhh, what the fuck does that mean?

by November 16, 2020


a pretty hard insult, but a pretty lightly used one. typically used when someone does something extremely dumb

jonatan: africa is my favourite country
humphrey: you fucking retard

by dumb_cunt_with_aids January 9, 2019


A kid named Brayden

He is just a retard

by Oofoooooof May 25, 2019



i am a retard

by Buff Snake May 5, 2021


Slang for a jake pauler,logang pauler, or team 10 fan

P1: Ima A Jake pauler
P2 You're a complete retard gtfo out of my face
P1: *Autism intensifies*

by The Ranting Kid Rants August 16, 2017