Source Code

Aint It Great

When you are no longer allowed to say "Must Be Nice", Due to Feelings being hurt, and boxes of tissues being used. You create another saying to discreetly mask "It Must Be Nice".

SGT Toughskin in uniform at 1230: How are you PFC Thinskin?
PFC Thinskin in civilians: Doing good, This schedule of 3 on and 4 off really sucks.
SGT Toughskin: "Aint It Great", I have to work 5 days with 2 days off.

by Walk a mile in my shoes KID! March 17, 2020

The Great Seal

Li Scare God <> The Great Seal

The Great Seal of 666

by MineOwedWu's June 13, 2021

Great Northern

Australia's worst beer. Queenslanders drink it like water because they have no tastebuds. In the Southern states, it's marketed to bogans whose tastebuds have been completely shot after a lifetime of smoking 50+ durries a day.

"What do you have to wash that awful taste out of my mouth?"
"Great Northern or crab juice."
"Blech! Ew! Jeez... I'll take a crab juice."

by Robert Sanvagene January 27, 2024


Sibling's great-granddaughter.

My great-grandniece is a good person.

by Hgcloziw November 23, 2019


Sibling's great-granddaughter.


by Simaduria July 26, 2024


Grandparent’s half-first cousin.

My half-great-cousin-pibling is a good person.

by Gtopql November 24, 2019


1. The grandson-in-law of one's sibling.
2. The grandson of one's spouse's sibling.

My great-nephew-in-law is a good person.

by Elivaldeq November 24, 2019