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Knee knee eggs

The skin fat surrounding the upper part of ones knee

“Stop pinching my knee knee eggs, you know that tickles!!!”

by Babybumblex January 4, 2022

My egg roll

Couples nickname ;)

Ur my egg roll

by Trump will find fraud August 13, 2021

Chicken Egg

Means a person who is a loser or a disgusting new born chicken.

You are a chicken egg” “No you fucking are!”

by The one and only.. me February 16, 2021

Chicken egg

it is knows as the egg of a chicken simple words bro

the chicken laid an chicken egg

by omzarex February 22, 2022

eggs aight

When you're making a delicious, unique combination of eggs and anything you find in your fridge in a frying pan and someone looks and asks what you're cooking. EGGS AIGHT!

Hey, what is that you're cooking? .....Eggs aight.

by Mitchq January 19, 2018

Road Eggs

Beer to go

Grab a few road eggs and lets hit the road!

by Kasee123 January 16, 2023

egg nogging

Adding semen to an alcholic beverage and then drinking the beverage. The semen creates an egg yolk like texture within the beverage.

“Man, i love egg nogging!”
“What’s that?”
“It’s when Karen takes my load, puts it in a whisky and slams it down. That is hawt af.”

by El Muy Cremoso January 24, 2018