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Cool Kid

Autistic 13 year old croatian retard who is less autistic then the autistic kid in his class, likes to make memes, show nudes, talk to hebroninininininininininians and to a retard called Martin. Says that even when he's 30 he'll call himself Cool Kid, says "If i had a sister i'd sell her"!

Derby:"Where is Cool Kid"
Martin:"Idk he's no contacting me"
Marty:"DUH HELLO ah rude man"
8th grade chick with big boobs:"PLEASE WRITE ON MY BOOBS"

by NightT0xic July 13, 2018

Cool kids

People who seem to get lots of attention because they follow trends and are certainly NEVER introverts. Seriously, a "cool kid" could say "You gay" and shouts would echo throughout the school building.

Man that guy is such a Cool Kids, he just roasted that kid BAD!
(Cool kid/kids

by The_most_epic_gamer April 12, 2019

Am I cool...?

No ur not. Stupid dipsh!t.

"Hey mom, Am I cool...?"
"No ur not, Johnny. Now clean your room"

by Cierra Allison March 5, 2022

cool whip it

When a Saturday night group of causally drunk people all tell their life stories and you encourage the last person (nicole) to give the icing on the cake story and cool whip it.

Wow that was a great story but I’m about to cool whip it!

by Nicky John February 18, 2018

i am cool like that

A nicer way of saying " I don't need your help, I am good the way I am"

Mom: can I help you with your homework?

Son: no, shove off, I am cool like that.

by Sexydimma February 18, 2015

Coolness Aura

A form of self-presentation that connotes that one is a big stinking deal. This is actually hardly ever the case, especially in backwards places like the Midwest, where everyone is middle-classed and buys their clothing from an outlet mall. However, to imitate one who is worthy of coolness is to have a coolness aura is to be cool.

"I can't write him back right away. It will destroy my coolness aura."

"I only hand out a like every once and a while to maintain my coolness aura."

"I gave her a nasty look. Not for any real reason. Unless that reason is coolness aura..."

by Gingsterlicious June 3, 2015

ima cool you

Basically means like ima fuhh wit ya so like ima talk to you later .

Aight ima cool you “

by Jayda lowe July 6, 2020