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beans on toast

beans on toast; a stupid british delicacy; why do you need the toast? just eat the damn beans without it! british people and their strange dishes. no wonder they can't cook!

oi mum made me beans on toast! i hope the toast ain't burnt black this time! cheerio!

by Anonymous August 31, 2003

59๐Ÿ‘ 280๐Ÿ‘Ž

cool beans

A term that actually explains how you porked someone. Used to describe something very favorable or pleasing.

Greg: hey tom, what did you do this weekend?
Tom: i cool beans'd the shit out of your dog!
Greg: you mean my sister?
Tom: why would i do that to your sister?

by ieatpony118 January 23, 2010

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funny bean

something that is extremely funny when insulting a member of someones family

hey ur mums face is funny bean

by gangsta!13! April 29, 2006

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Old Bean

An Old Bean: A bean which has aged considerably since birth.
Used as a naming term for people when a posh english accent is put on by the addresser.

Good to see you, old bean.
Quit your jibber jabber, old bean!

by RowanDom June 2, 2010

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old bean

a reject word that posh people use

cherio, old bean!

by A-Z-OOG October 11, 2003

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Bean Bag

A state of catatonic pleasure often caused buy an intense period of sitting around doing fuck all, drinking Special brew. Shamians have trained for years to reach such a state, but "bean bag" is often aquired by homeless people in glasgow at least 16 times a day, untill they collapse

*A Hobo reaches "bean Bag" for the 7th time in one day*
Hobo 1"hooooo fuckin noooo way this is like a sack of dead unwanted kittens, but better cos theres no cats involved"
Hobo 2"indeed"
Hobo 1"yes, indeed"

by penis-vagina July 30, 2005

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bean guy

cool beany dude, the chicks love him
part of best friend group ever, kaka

plays smash bros wayyyy too much
alpha rat

did you see bean guy do that absolutely amazing smash bros combo??

by DictatorE February 26, 2022

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