If you're called Jacob you're usually a "cool kid". You are either short and roadman or average. There is little to no in-between.
"Look at that guy over there!"
"Oh, him? He's Jacob."
Someone who is rlly fit and overall healthy and good looking. Someone to be around and just a stand up guy, probably packing
Person 1: That guy looks like a Jacob
Person 2: yeah i can definitely see it look how good he looks
he loves to see naked guys and kiss them, hes so down bad form mexican girls, he loves toes and feet he will get any chance to suck some toes when it comes to those things and he loves dick in his butt
omg did u see jacob hes so slay
A really nice guy if you are nice to him. Is often hyper and made fun of by his teachers and classmates. He is selfless and would go to great lengths to help others. He treats his friends like royalty and is pretty down to earth. Loves playing video games and being active. Doesn't have very many friends. Not always cute at first sight. Is very comical and will make people laugh, even if it at him because he wants everyone to have a good time, even if he isn't.
Joe: Yo Jacob, how you doing?
Jacob: I'm doing pretty good. You?
Joe: I'm ok. Can I borrow your motor home. I want to take the kids hunting.
Jacob: Sure what's mine is yours.
Joe: Thanks man.
Jacob: No problem.
Its me, none of you can have the Jacob now!
Little brother: Mom said it’s my time to use the Jacob.
Me: awww man!
The name of someone that is either really kind, caring and selfless or a spoiled self-centered moron that always thinks they're above everyone else.
Senario 1
"hey i'm Jacob and you're ugly"
Senario 2
"Hey,Im Jacob, whats your name?"