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Sports Capital of the world


The only city to win a championship in all 4 north american sport leagues. It is therefore the Sports Capital of the world.

by Shittsburgh Penguins suck September 13, 2011

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Advanced Placement World History

An advanced high school course designed in order to make otherwise average high school students have nervous breakdowns before or during their sophomore year.

Although AP World History was hard, I sustained no permanent dain bramage.

by Brian December 17, 2003

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3rd world 6 pack

a really skinny guy who is so skinny his underlying muscles on his stomach make him apear asif he has a proper 6 pack.

dude, that kid is so skinny, i bet he has a 6 pack.

by Jack G. May 27, 2005

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World Class White Trash

wcwt all started when darcy knol and our original drummer sean white left another band for some reason. they kept jammin together until sean was about to move to nova scotia. just before this happened, darcy ran into an old friend by the name of bill. bill said "hey, i know a dude who plays guitar and is looking for people to jam with." so sean and darcy went with bill to this dudes house who turned out to be trevor gilby. sean and darcy played a few songs for trevor and he liked it. sean, darcy and trevor only had 2 jam sessions with this line up before sean moved to nova scotia. so it was only 2 again.... then nathan neergard one day was servin' smokes at the local fasgas when darcy strolled in. there was some heavy metal playin in the background and they started to talk about music. and thats when darcy invited nathan over to try out some vocals for wcwt. nathan brought his cousin andy akins who played drums. seeing as how we didn't have a drummer at the time, he filled in to get a feel for the music. well the drums were pretty good so we asked andy to join. after a while of pondering the idea of being in a band andy said he was down with wcwt. now we need a bassist.............. oh then we found one rob amatto responded to an ad that trev had out online or somethin, he learned the songs.

guy 1: woah man, your mohawk is destroyed and your bleeding from the face!

justin peck: ya man i just left a world class white trash show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by wcwt road crew May 27, 2011

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World War 2 Online

A massively multiplayer online simulation. Set in half scale Europe (so far only Belgium, Luxembourg, northern France, southern Netherlands, western Germany and south-eastern England have had towns and cities modelled in) in 1940, you can choose to play as Germany, England or France, in their respective Navy, Air Force, or Army.

Every piece of equipment is modelled historically and accurately, meaning no hitpoint vehicles (like in Battlefield 1942... throwing a nade at a Panzer IV doesn't do anything to it, other than alert the driver that you're there). As the campaign goes on, more vehicles are "researched" and introduced into the game whilst playing, such as the Crusader tanks and Spitfire Mk V for England, lend/lease vehicles for France such as the P-38 Lightning and Sherman tank, and the Panzer IVG and Focke-Wulf 190A for Germany.

Check http://www.wwiionline.com for more info

"Damn... I just got bounced by some Run09s in World War 2 Online"

by Gribble March 22, 2005

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little people big world

A Hilarious television show on TLC that is guised up to be "politically correct" but in reality is degrading to midgets. There are a few reasons why.
1- The show occasionally has subtitles.
2- It frequently shows them being too small to reach an object. As if viewers did not know that its hard for midgets to reach higher places
3- Last but not least, it tries to get the message across that "midgets are just like me and you" by showing their daily lives. You are watching a family's daily life on TV, HOW BORING!!!!
the only reason people watch this is because they either find it funny (although I must admit the show is hilarious thats only as of my sense of "laughing at things that are politically incorrect to laugh at")or "interesting"
If you were a midget, would you want people to think of you as "interesting"? OF COURSE NOT!

The other people who defined this show are proof that viewers are only watching little people big world because they find it funny or interesting

by school_sick_801 December 23, 2008

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Super Mario 3D World

Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow

Super Mario 3D World is fun

by Xbox360IsBetter March 2, 2021

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