Alex Diamantis is the most beautiful girl ever. She is tall and nice and funny and i love her blonde highlights. She can change your life in a matter of seconds. She doesn’t easily get mad so if she does than it must have been something really bad. She loves her mom and her brother john and her dad more than anything and she’ll mess you up if youngblood’s mess with them. If you find alex diamantis don’t ever let her go because she is great.
i’m in love with alex diamantis because she’s the best person i’ve ever met !
Alex is a girl who is absolutely amazing, kind, beautiful, hot, funny, fun, lit and a really cool girl to hang out with when you need someone. If you ever have the chance to date Alex, you are a lucky one. Alex will treat you very well and you should treat her well too. Alex is just a great girl who most guys fall in love with.
I wish I was Alex Parastaran
A absolute retard who lacks any form of human decency and has a disregard for others emotions
Alex coton you dick
A master at coding. Gets along well with people and likes Shrek too much.
Did you see that Alex Salgado? He's a master at coding!
Mini Alex is a man sent from the heveans down upon earth to be its one and only protector. He has many alies and if they wish to summon him or interact with him they must yell"OHHHHH MINI ALEX" with much force, Mini Alex is a true warrior and worthy of our respect. (Side note he also likes cheeseburgers)
Person 1: Bro who's that?
Person 2: you don't know MINI Alex?
Person 1:pshhh that's a myth
Person 2: watch this OHHHHH MINI ALEX
Person 1: OHHHH MINI ALEX bro please for give me Mini Alex ong fr mb
Mini Alex: bet
A nightmare featuring a fat potato with his bum hanging out ready to squash you.
Kat: Have you seen alex's kolo lately?
Cat: Yeah, its a nightmare.