Everyone knows what a horse is.
Brandon “What is a horse?”
Polish Encyclopedia “Everyone knows what a horse is.”
A strong individual..A unstoppable force..A person who will break yo back in more ways than one..Stands on whatever they say or do
She said to him damn you put it on me you a horse!!
Mother Nature’s best creature. Has a strong build while looking gorgeous at the same time, and can be owned as a pet. This wonderful animal can also be shown in a variety of events, from Dressage and Hunter to Barrel Racing and Pole Bending. Unfortunately, this animal is very costly, but is worth it in the end.
Horse Owner: “Is my horse gonna be ok, Dr. Whatshisname?”
Dr. Whatshisname: “Most likely. He just has a sore hoof. Give him this ointment and he should be fine.”
Horse Owner: “Thanks, Doc!”