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Time savers right

a common homebrewed rule in a number of roleplaying games by which a player may declare an answer to a question if it is acknowledged that the gm is taking too long to give an answer.

ok. we have waited long enough. I'm invoking the time savers right.

by Alwain June 1, 2020


A website which supplies biased information, with the purpose of promoting a left or right hidden agenda through "out-right" lies and falsehoods.

Urbandictionary.com is a Off-Right website, published with erroneous information, which is financed by people like the Coch Bros, who have a vested interest in promoting the far right agenda.

by Debwhocares August 19, 2017


Pro-evangelicals, pro-believers, high prices, androcentrism, anti-vaccination, homophobia, misogyny, pro-bourgeoisie, nazism, fascism, islamism, capitalism, militarism, economic liberalism, neoliberalism, olavism, liberation of rifles, denialism, death penalty, privatization, conservatism, masculinism/mgtow/redpill, machism, religious fanaticism, flat earthism, evangelical supremacy, sexual abstinence, heterosexism, supremacy of entrepreneurs, supremacy of agribusiness, supremacy of the rich, supremacy of profit, supremacy of criminals who are military or police , military supremacy, male supremacy, heterosexual supremacy, weaponry with grenade, white supremacy and


I hate right-wing.

by Jenword May 20, 2023


Pro-evangelicals, pro-believers, high prices, androcentrism, anti-vaccination, homophobia, misogyny, pro-bourgeoisie, nazism, fascism, islamism, capitalism, militarism, economic liberalism, neoliberalism, olavism, liberation of rifles, denialism, death penalty, privatization, conservatism, masculinism/mgtow/redpill, machism, religious fanaticism, flat earthism, evangelical supremacy, sexual abstinence, heterosexism, supremacy of entrepreneurs, supremacy of agribusiness, supremacy of the rich, supremacy of profit, supremacy of criminals who are military or police , military supremacy, male supremacy, heterosexual supremacy, weaponry with grenade, white supremacy and chloroquine.

I hate right-wing.

by Willez May 22, 2023


Flat-earthism, nazism, fascism, capitalism, conservatism, hydroxychloroquine, death penalty, liberation of rifles, liberation of grenades, liberalism, militarism, integralism, redpill/MGTOW, machism, heterosexism, religious fanaticism, catholicism, reverse racial quotas, freemasonry, evangelicalism, christianity (and various religions), patriarchy, neoliberalism, androcentrism, white supremacy, male supremacy, heterosexual supremacy, supremacy of the rich, supremacy of the bourgeoisie, supremacy of bosses, supremacy of businesspeople, business dictatorship, olavism, anti-vaccine, islamism, celibacy, chloroquine, obligation to marry, obligation to procreate, high prices in stores and privatization.


by Juicekapo October 31, 2023


Liberalism, privatization, nazism, fascism, capitalism, MGTOW/redpill, heterosexism, machism, freemasonry, militarism, integralism, conservatism, hydroxychloroquine, liberation of rifles, death penalty, liberation of grenades, flat earthism, olavism, christianity, neoliberalism, patriarchy, androcentrism, catholicism, evangelicalism, anti-vaccine, protestantism, racial quotas for whites, quotas for believers, bible, high prices, hitlerism, mussolinism, pinochetism, arenism, francoism, salazarism, zionism, bolsonarism, trumpism, supremacy of the rich, supremacy of the bourgeoisie, business dictatorship, militia and chloroquine.

I hate right-wing.

by Aquecetilador December 20, 2023


Militia, flat earthism, capitalism, fascism, nazism, conservatism, traditionalism, machism, neoliberalism, liberalism, integralism, militarism, privatization, liberation of grenades, liberation of rifles, olavism, patriarchy, death penalty (indirect impunity), freemasonry, evangelicalism, christianity, catholicism, racial quotas for whites, supremacy of the bourgeoisie, supremacy of the rich, supremacy of businessmen and price increase.


by Iogurter April 28, 2024