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Crafty wank

The action of masturbating in a public place, without being spotted.

He would often have a crafty wank under the desk during his history lesson. The other pupils noticed, but the teacher never did.

by DarrenG July 20, 2024

(wank spanners basatoradorial fuck custard)

an ultimate cunt who should be liquidised into thalidomide wank oil and festering decomposed spunk

((wank spanners basatoradorial fuck custard) a third dan black belt shit house and fuck custard who should be stir fried in hot synthetic Kentucky fried dog shit after being arse fucked by a bisexual octopus, while his balls are steamed cleaned in hot camels piss. a), a mark five cunt with power steering and overdrive.

by bucket crutch 2 April 20, 2022

Organic wank

An organic wank is one that you have without the assistance of pornography. Pretty uncommon in the modern era, it might involve waking up with wood, and having a lazy tug only *imagining* Mia Khalifa rather than watching her online.

"Nah bro, I'm doing No Porn November. Only organic wanking for me."

by Heterococks November 8, 2022

Wyatt Wank

When a male person is jacking off and their unnecessarily attractive mother comes in and finishes them off.

Wyatt was masturbating until his hot mom came in and performed the Wyatt Wank.

by _Hrob_ March 20, 2023

Wiki Wank

To quickly check Wikipedia in order to try to win an argument (over the internet usually). Unintelligent people generally do this to make themselves look smarter than what they are.

A:*compelling argument*

B: *wiki wanks* *Goes on to re-word a page off of Wikipedia for a rebuttal*

by Sauce Baus October 26, 2011

copper wank

A wank with shit on your penis

She had a shit on my dick so i decided to pop out a copper wank

by Smithy12345 March 21, 2016

posh wank

when you have intercourse with a rather un-attractive overweight female, who lacks skill in the bedroom. this would be classed as a posh wank

"how was sarah in bed?" "aw mate, shes a posh wank"

by your mums hot water bottle October 29, 2022