Just the one and only Mr Mark Cheng
I wish I was as cool as the cool Asian
Yeah yeah, get a good eyeful! Jealoussss?
This mug is cool. This mug is VERY cool.
Snoop dogg's nickname in music
Layton:let's listen to Joe cools songs!
Me:u mean Joe mama
Layton:it's snoop dogg u idiot of an weirdo
An expression of support, endorsement, approval.
Stronger in emphasis than Cool Bananas or Cool Beans.
A: My offer on a house was accepted today.
B: Cool Jicama! (That's great!)
When your dad thinks he’s being cool and ‘hip’
“Oh, that’s cool mint dip”
The coolest person to ever exist, even cooler than a cool cat. They are so cool that they can breathe underwater.
Tod: Have you heard about that new chick?
Richard: Yeah dude, she's a total cool eel. She really turns me on with that electric feel.
the coolest fucking creative agency in london.
we got our content from ok cool - it was fucking rad