An exact copy of the Eurovision Song Contest 👀
-Do you know what the American Song Contest is?
-Yes! Its exactly the same as the Eurovision Song Contest..
A culturally aware loudmouthed American badass who despite not being especially nerdy has an appreciation for nerd culture and is welcomed into their social circles.
That old timer in Godzilla Final Wars is a Don Frye American.
Tennage American boy who obsesses over any thing soccer related (may even call it fútbol). This includes FIFA as their video game of choice... A chino wanker will obsess over the game, play all the time, learn all the players and even adopt a British accent.
An American chino wanker can most easily be recognized by the overuse and misuse of the word banter (it will sound like 'banta' because of their newly found British accent).
This type of person probably thinks they're better and acts macho and strong to prove it.
Either a fan of pop music (like Beyoncé) or singer/songwriter (like Ed sheeran)
Most likely will be wearing low or no socks with vans or old nikes
Wears shorter shorts and occasionally chinos, but not as much as a typical chino wanker. This type of chino wanker is primarily found in the states which is why it is specific to Americans.
Lastly, these boys are likely to have tiny dicks, as do regular chino wankers
friend 1: dude shut up, quit being such a dick
friend 2: chill, it's just banter... Let's play some FIFA! I'll kick your ass
friend 1: you're such an American chino wanker
Putting aside all differences in order to pool resources and attack the British
David: "I was down the pub last night and saw an American and a Frenchman having a brawl."
Mikey: "So what'd you do?"
David: "Well I tried to break it up but they beat the shit out of me instead."
Mikey: "Ah, you're a victim of The Franco-American Offensive."
Verbose term for "nigga".
Not as friendly as "african american friend", this term can be used when roasting someone, exactly like when Lamar roasts Franklin in GTA 5.
- Wassup, nigga
- Hello, african american associate
It is a ratchet ass school filled with cheeky lads and A-1 banter. It's full of Bros, Hoes, and those shits who play League. (One big family)
American Community School...yeah those fuckers like to party. Shitbags....
Pan-American studies are interdisciplinary program that offers extensive study of the history, cultures, politics and socioeconomic structures of America and the American Aboriginal Diaspora.
I'm into (Pan American studies) it's relating to, or concerning (North, South,and Central America) collectively or the advocacy of political or economic unity among (American countries) and (people).